Plans rejected to build three new houses near Pembrokeshire railway line
Plans to build three new houses close to the railway line at Kilgetty have been rejected by planners.
The application, submitted to Pembrokeshire County Council's planning committe by Robert Bowen through his agent Ceri Davies Planning Ltd, sought outline permission to develop three plots on a vacant site between Westaways and The Laburnums in Station Road, Kilgetty.
Indicative plans which accompanied the submission showed the siting of three dwellings with garden amenity space, boundary treatments, vehicular access and parking areas. The report stated that the three dwellings 'would not represent a prominent nor a conspicuous form of development' despite changing the character of the site itself.
However an officer report recommended refusal, stating that while there were economical benefits to the development, it failed to comply with policy as it was not supported by a Green Infrastructure Statement and no biodiversity enhancement plans had been provided. It concluded by stating it wasn't supported by a Unilateral Undertaking and Certificate of Title to secure a financial payment of 15% towards local needs affordable housing. As a result, it failed to accord with the requirements of the Local Needs Affordable Housing.
Plans rejected to build three new houses near Pembrokeshire railway line
Plans to build three new houses close to the railway line at Kilgetty have been rejected by planners.
The application, submitted to Pembrokeshire County Council's planning committe by Robert Bowen through his agent Ceri Davies Planning Ltd, sought outline permission to develop three plots on a vacant site between Westaways and The Laburnums in Station Road, Kilgetty.
Indicative plans which accompanied the submission showed the siting of three dwellings with garden amenity space, boundary treatments, vehicular access and parking areas. The report stated that the three dwellings 'would not represent a prominent nor a conspicuous form of development' despite changing the character of the site itself.
However an officer report recommended refusal, stating that while there were economical benefits to the development, it failed to comply with policy as it was not supported by a Green Infrastructure Statement and no biodiversity enhancement plans had been provided. It concluded by stating it wasn't supported by a Unilateral Undertaking and Certificate of Title to secure a financial payment of 15% towards local needs affordable housing. As a result, it failed to accord with the requirements of the Local Needs Affordable Housing.