Pembrokeshire landlords are invited to hear updates on the private rental sector at the third Landlord Forum next month.
The forum, organised by Pembrokeshire County Council, will be held on July 15th and this year be hosted remotely via Microsoft Teams.
All landlords whose details are already held by Pembrokeshire County Council will receive an email about the forum shortly and will be asked to reply to receive the joining link.
The Teams meeting is due to take place between 6pm and 7.30pm.
During the forum Gillian Owens from the National Residential Landlords Association will update on private sector renting and the Renting Homes Act.
There will also be information on the grants and loans available to landlords including details on Homes into Houses and National Empty Homes grant schemes and an update on the Leasing Scheme Wales in Pembrokeshire.
The Council’s Regeneration Team will also give a presentation on town centre grants that are currently available.
For more information, email:
Online meeting planned for Landlords Forum
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