Local Artist of the Week beginning Sunday 19th May: PRESELI PETE AND THE BLUESTONE BOYS.
Local Artist of the Week beginning Sunday 19th May: PRESELI PETE AND THE BLUESTONE BOYS.
Preseli Pete and the Bluestone Boys have been in existence for a couple of decades but the current line-up has perfected their unique sound - an amazing mix of comedy, musical theatre, skiffle, and ska. They have just released a new CD, Goggles On!, from which all the tracks played this week have been taken.
The podcast of their interview with BB Skone on his show of Sunday 19th May can be heard now on Catch-up.
All current members of the band have contributed to the songs on the album and they are -
Simon Haslam aka Preseli Pete (vox, tea-chest, kazoo, vibraslap, pomposity).
Larry Best (vox, keyboards, accordion, melodica, hair).
Local Artist of the Week beginning Sunday 19th May: PRESELI PETE AND THE BLUESTONE BOYS.