DJing for PWR on stage over the summer, really opened up some amazing opportunities for me to pursue a career that I love. With, the total support of Toby Ellis who has been very much a huge influence on my small successes. Pure West Radio have actually turned my life around, and have had an extremely positive affect on many things in my life.
PWR ? is that cheesy? it is though haha
Lil Nas X 'What a legend!'
Frogs! gross.
Be taller haha.
Not a lot, i'm a pretty chilled person!
Being part of the PWR team.
My little family. Me, my partner and daughter.
Becoming an A&E Technician in the busiest Emergency Unit in the UK.
Leigh Halfpenny
I worked in the NHS for 10 years in the University Hospital of Wales, in Cardiff. 5 of those years I worked as an A&E Technician in the 2nd busiest Emergency Unit in the UK. I've seen many shocking things, and many amazing things... but the best part of that experience is having funny X-Ray stories to tell! haha.
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